As we all mourn the untimely, and down-right shocking news of Prince passing, I secretly have to hope that the world will finally be able to enjoy Prince more now. His videos, concerts and recordings that have been held so tightly for so long may finally see the light of day once more.
I would very much like to enjoy the antics of Le Petit Prince once again too.
In 2011, Seattle-based artist Troy Gua paid tribute to his favorite artist via a very charming and amazingly detailed doll: Le Petit Prince. However, after his work went viral in 2012, Prince and his people were not amused and "requested" (via a cease and desist) that he remove all images of the project from his website. Of course, no images are "gone" from the internet, they are. (All images are property of Troy Gua)

Tonight, we will watch Purple Rain and shed a few tears, but ultimately celebrate one of the most talented musicians ever to walk this Earth.
RIP Prince Rogers Nelson - man, that one hurts a lot to say